Too tired to post yesterday, the insomnia is back and I got almost no sleep the night before. Sigh! It's never going to go away.
I did however sleep better last night, despite the fact that the boy never came home. So much for being on probation and having a curfew. I was prepared to call his PO this morning but he managed to get home before she was in her office.
I know he is a teenager and is supposed to be pushing the limits, but really, hasn't he pushed hard enough already? Was one night in jail and a year in the legal system not enough for him to learn? When do they reach an age that lets them stop to consider other people occassionally? I'm afraid he is going to reach legal age and be out of the house before that happens. I just hope that Mr. and I survive it.
Mr. has his procedure today, neither one of us is looking forward to it. We are looking forward to having it done and over with, just not going through it. I'm hoping against hope that the predicted complications do not occur and that he will do okay with it.
Maybe, just maybe after this is done he will start to make significant progress in regaining some of his energy again. He does have another Dr. appointment in a few weeks so if he isn't significantly better by then we might finally be able to get something done.
I was looking up the side effects of the med in question we think is causing the problems. he has upwards of 20+ side effects, yet the Dr. doesn't want to take him off it. By the time he has his next appointment it will have been 4 months. I think that is a reasonable amount of time to say the benefits do not out weigh the side effects.
I really don't understand why they are pushing this med so hard. There are plenty of other meds they could try. Of course I also realize that I have a vested interest in his health and I push hard to make sure he gets top quality treatment. I'm not feeling like this is top quality right now, but maybe it will get better soon. Here's hoping anyway.
Lolita Lilyflower
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